By removing the sugar and frying from our plates, and focusing on raw vegetables, fruits and grains, we think eliminate bad calories from our diet.

And yet ... Some foods are more caloric than they seem.

Non-exhaustive list.

  • Caesar salad

To eat light, consuming salad seems like a good reflex. Should we still be vigilant about the ingredients that we add.

Caesar salad, for example, consists of croutons, bacon, cheese, coleslaw and liquid cream sauce, oil and parmesan cheese. As a result, it contains between 500 and 800 unsuspected calories.

Another variation of caloric salad: Italian salad, made with cheese, charcuterie and a generous touch of olive oil. Ouch!

  • Half a lawyer

In sauce, raw or in salad, we like avocado. Yet, under its air of healthy food , avocado is a very caloric fruit.

On average, a half avocado contains as many calories as 4 teaspoons of butter.

Rich in vitamin E , antioxidants , fiber and fatty acids, the avocado is still excellent for health, especially for the cardiovascular system.

To eat yes, but not at every meal.

  • Industrial fruit juices

"To eat well, consume 5 fruits and vegetables a day".

Problem: for some, the "fruit" stage translates for some as "fruit juice". But beware, industrial juices bought in supermarkets are generally very rich in sugars, and indeed, very caloric.

The ideal remains to make his own fruit juice. Not only is it more economical, but also healthier and richer in vitamins because they are not cut in water and stuffed with sugar.

Another alternative: smoothies . But here again, be careful not to deal with the most caloric fruits in the basket.

  • Sushi

When ordering our menu in our usual Japanese restaurant, the choice is quick: the beef skewers with cheese? Very little for us.

We much prefer to point to a nice assortment of sushi, much lighter for our line. And yet, the reality is different since 12 salmon sushi contain on average as many calories as a Big MacĀ® from Mc Donald's .

  • Cashew nuts

The observation is often the same, at the time of the aperitif , before we even notice it, our hands are frantically thrown on small bowls of cashew proudly standing in front of us.

After all, we say that these nuts acclaimed by athletes can not hurt us. But we are wrong! Addictive and very easy to eat, cashews are traitors. And for good reason, about fifteen cashews equals 165 calories.

The advice also applies to peanuts and pistachios: small, but very high in fat!

  • Flavored water

Only water will we say! And yet, commercially available flavored waters are often misleading.

If they stay healthier than a glass of alcohol or a large glass of soda, the flavored water is very rich in carbohydrates. It is estimated that a 1.5 L bottle contains approximately 350 calories, equivalent to 8 pieces of sugar.

  • Coffee

Coffee , in itself, is not the most caloric. However, when you add milk, cream, sugar, syrups or flavors like in some fashionable coffee shops, the scale of unsuspected calories goes up considerably, easily reaching 500 calories per drink.