There are creams, make-up and sports ... But above all, there is food! It's no secret, to have a beautiful skin is better to have a healthy lifestyle. On the plate, we see our (bad) habits.

A perfect complexion by monitoring its diet

our daily menu plays a major role in the quality of our skin. Flexibility, firmness, slowing down the signs of age ... We can improve our beauty capital with a healthy, varied and balanced diet . We make a cross on the foods whose components attack the healthy cells of our body and we take care to limit the intake of sugar. This can lead to loss of flexibility of the skin, relaxation of the tissues and participate in the appearance of wrinkles. We also avoid the industrial dishes full of additives, preservatives and salt that clog our skin!

No more greasy or too dry skin

To have a beautiful skin, well hydrated: you have to drink water and choose foods rich in liquid like cucumber! We also put on foods containing good fat: fish, dried fruits ... they bring to our skin the trace elements that make it good!

To combat aging skin, one consumes foods rich in anti-oxidants! These substances make it possible to combat the oxidative stress by preventing the chain reactions caused by the free radicals which cause our skin to age prematurely. And we arm ourselves with a little patience! The effects of a better diet on the quality of the skin are not instantaneous! We continue to follow this diet good for our skin and our health and we wait at least a month before appreciating the first results!

Discover in our slideshow the foods to consume to have a beautiful skin !