
  • Homoeo solution. 7 to 15 days before the departure or in the good season, and during the duration of the exposure to the sun : Muriatic Acidum 7CH, 1 dose morning and evening. Suffering to hives ? Histaminum 9 to 15CH, once a week. Allergy has already begun? Until disappearing symptoms: Muriatic Acidum 7CH, 3 times a day, and Apis Melifica 5CH, 1 taken every hour; Belladonna 5CH, 1 taken every hour; Urtica Urens 7CH, 1 taken every hour in case of itching .
  • Phyto solution. In prevention , take plant antioxidants : OPC pine or grape, 250 mg per day, 10 days before leaving, and Ribes nigrum, glycerine macerate, 1st dilution, 50 drops morning and evening.

Sun burn

  • Homeo solutions. The skin is red and stinging? Take 5 gr. Apis 15CH every 30 minutes for 3 hours. With blisters? Go to the emergency room, immediately apply calendula ointment and take 5 gr. from Cantharis 9CH every hour.
  • Phyto solution. Apply gel with aloe vera ( Naturaloe , Resonances) that promotes healing and cell regeneration .
  • Aroma solutions. Apply a few drops of real lavender or niaouli essential oil to the burn . If it is very large (beyond 3 cm in diameter), pour 1 drop of each oil into 1 tbsp. to c. of vegetable oil of apricot kernels.
    Already ready. Tegarome or Solvarome sprays (Dr Valnet) that reduce inflammation and prevent blistering.
  • Apitherapy solution. Apply a small poultice of semi-liquid honey.


  • Homoeo solution. Swallow 5 gr. Belladonna 9CH and Gelsemium 15CH, alternating every hour.
  • Phyto solution. Drink linden tea.


  • Homoeo solution. Until symptoms disappear: Vaccinotoxinum 9CH, 1 every 3 hours; at the same time ... Rhus Toxicodendron 5CH, and Natrum Muriaticum 9CH, 1 taken every hour. Space the catches of these last two remedies the next day, 3 taken per day.
    Ready yet. Euphorbium Complex No. 88 (Lehning).
  • Phyto solution. 1 tbsp. to c. EPS (phytostandardized plant extract, Phytoprevent lab) cypress diluted in a glass of water, 4 to 5 times a day and apply a few drops locally or have made cream with lemon balm (containing 1% d dry extract, 70 to 1).
  • Aroma solution. Apply on the vesicles 1 pure drop of HE from ravintsare, a small Madagascar tree, with anti-viral and anti-infectious properties , up to 5 times a day.