The subject has been debated for several years. In the United States as in Asia, "for" are largely in the majority. US cosmetologists generally advise to protect their skin with UV filters as soon as you go out on the street.

We even saw "city" products, "City Block" SPF 50 !

In France doctors are much more reserved: to coat one's skin daily with chemicals is not innocent. This can disturb the balance of the skin, to raise awareness.

More importantly, their endocrine disruptors penetrate the skin , the body and at high doses may have deleterious effects.

Sunscreens not so harmless

Scientists from the University of Nantes, Céline Couteau and Laurence Coiffard, have indeed revealed that if some creams contained filters it was mainly to protect the formula that without them could be degraded.

On the other hand, a German study of 54 women who were breastfeeding and using creams containing sunscreens found that in 85% of cases there were traces in their milk. But they are suspected of being endocrine disruptors ...

Not reassuring, but logical because an anti aging cream for example is not intended, to be effective, to stay on the surface. It is therefore in contact with the microcirculation. In addition, these chemical molecules may eventually pollute the skin and raise awareness .

UV protection not so useful in everyday life

"If you use a cream with sunscreens in town at breakfast, explains Nadine Pomarède, dermatologist, it is generally applied in thin layer, sometimes even in place of the day cream, for a discreet and more aesthetic effect However, in this case, even an SPF 50 product will provide only a weak protection (index 10/15 in the best case) .This product, which is only protective for about two hours, does not will not be effective all day, especially at lunchtime on the terrace when the sun is the most intense. " QED.

The right solution: makeup!

The best protections in the city to protect against UV would therefore remain, according to the pros, to apply a foundation, (or a sun powder for example) which by their richness in pigments provide at least a SPF 10/15 and to renew if necessary the application when you go out to lunch outside.

Collateral benefit: they also protect against pollution.

The saving gesture for at-risk skin

And to mitigate any surprise and intense radiation, we can now carry in its bag these new solar mists with SPF 30 or 50. "A spraying punctuation time for a lunch in the sun, that's enough", word of expert .