The famous slouch of the autumn? Angèle Ferreux-Maeght (great granddaughter of the art dealer and publisher Aimé Maeght) does not know. This thirty-year-old enthusiast with big cat eyes founded in 2012 La Guinguette d'Angèle * , a 100% vegan catering service that runs in a tiny canteen 1st arrondissement of Paris where you can enjoy take-away dishes as organic as beautiful .

An idea sprouted not from the seeds that she accomodates in every sauce, but from a meeting, that of naturopath Céleste Candido with whom she discovers the power of the healthy diet while she is interested herself. even for several years to the benefits of fasting and veganism.

Not sparing of advice when it comes to keeping us in good shape, Angèle, who has put together her best healthy recipes in a book called Delicieusement green (Marabout) in 2015, warns straight away: "Eating well is important. but to practice a sport, to sleep well, to laugh, to try to take life on the right side and, for example, to imagine the return as a 'new' departure and not as a constraint is just as much. This naturally masters the production of cortisol which happens to be ... the stress hormone ! And side plate?

Focus on superfoods: pomegranate, spinach and seasonal clementines

Angèle praises the superfoods of the moment, rich in antioxidants and nutrients: pomegranate seeds to sprinkle on salads or desserts but also spinach-steamed as a cold starter or sautéed with lemon of garlic- for their chlorophyll content, which allows the cells to oxygenate and therefore regenerate faster.

For sweet beaks, clementine, a seasonal fruit soaked in vitamin C "can be cooked in salad with flaked almonds, pies or reduced juice with a coconut butter to season the fish ...", details the cord blue that all Paris tears. It would almost salivate.

Nuts, hazelnuts and almonds in case of cravings

In the event of a dip, at 10 o'clock or at tea time, Angèle recommends pecking a "small handful" of oilseeds. Among them, "the almond is the queen! It is inexpensive and contains a lot of calcium. To be enjoyed with some fresh seasonal fruits such as grapes or apples. The trick? "Diving the almonds for a few hours in the water before chewing. This is where they best reveal their nutritional power. The water will boost their minerals and charge them with enzymes that facilitate digestion . "

Another recommendation: a rich smoothie that mixes banana and apple juice to which you can add according to taste, anti-inflammatory foods such as ginger, fresh pollen or spirulina (source of iron and protein). "We mix everything in the morning and take a bottle with you to consume as a snack," advises Angela.

Sprouted seeds to fill up with vitamins

"Did you know that there are as many vitamins in a sprouted seed of leek as in a whole field? "Questions the naturopath cook. No need to deprive them so much that they are easy to cultivate and associate in cooking.

Soy, lentils, alfalfa ... They can be added without moderation to salads, juices and soups. And the expert certify: "No need to invest in a sprouter, they will grow without problems in empty jars of glass jam", provided they are watered every day.

A monodiète to recharge the batteries

Ideal to regain balance after the excesses of summer, it is possible to practice the monodiète, sparingly not to rush the body. "You can decide to eat only grapes, apples or even rice a day a week or just eat a bowl of soup in the winter," explains Angèle. The idea? Allow the body to pause. "With a monodiète, the body spends only one hour to digest against 7h in normal time. The energy usually consumed by this function is then redistributed, which allows a better regeneration of the cells. "

And as a bonus, no need to think about preparing the meal. What to ensure a healthy body in a spirit ... serene!