Liposuction: the concept ...

Liposuction is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world (about two million a year).

The principle of liposuction

Eliminate localized fat overloads by aspiration.

Invented by Dr. Illous, lipoaspiration has been refined thanks to a better knowledge of cutaneous tissues and the development of ultrafine titanium cannulas, whose non-sharp foam tips preserve nerves and vessels. Liposuction can also reinject it, if necessary, to harmonize the volumes and "carve" the body. Under general anesthesia, it does not require hospitalization.

Its price: from 2,500 to 4,000 euros.

Liposuction: its assets ...

Lipoaspiration eliminates localized fat overloads. The technique is now very reliable, with a clear objective: to restore a uniform thickness of fat all over the body, between the last rib and the lower thighs, says Dr. Stéphane Guichard, plastic surgeon. The patient thus maintains a harmonious silhouette, without bumps or bulges, even if she takes or loses 2 or 3 kg.

To obtain a good liposuction result and to avoid the corrugated sheet appearance, the grease is drawn in locally, by crossed paths very regularly. It all depends on the amount of fat to be sucked and the quality of the skin that covers that fat. The more elastic the skin, the better it will retract in the two or three months following the procedure.

To optimize the result, wear a sheath for one month and stockings for a good week to avoid any risk of phlebitis. "

Liposuction, the best indications

The saddlebags, the little mattress on the belly or the hips of the 40-year-old woman, the inner thighs and knees (taking 5 mm, to taper and lengthen the leg), the inside of the arms, the double chin and the "buffalo hump".

Liposuction: its limits ...

Liposuction is not a substitute for a diet. Liposuction has long been criticized because it was not always practiced by specialists, says Dr. Benoit Couturaud, plastic surgeon. Today, the law is clear: only surgeons can practice liposuction.

Contrary to popular belief, liposuction is not an alternative to diet and does not lose weight. When you get on your scale after an operation, you usually weigh about the same weight! Liposuction does not allow to remove cellulite either. In contrast, liposuction improves the appearance of orange peel and makes the epidermis more smooth. Finally, it is necessary that the skin is still provided with good elasticity to retract well and retract on new volumes.

Possible complications

Small asymmetries that can be corrected during a second intervention. The side effects - aches, blues for eight to ten days and edema for two to three months - correspond to the trauma of the operation. "

To know: the results are not definitive, so it is better to watch his diet closely in the months that follow.