Nothing worse than a ring too small that compresses our directory or cons, so great that we risk losing it at any time. To avoid any unfortunate event, we take care to choose his ring to the right size ... simply by taking the measures of his finger.

  • First of all, we choose the right moment. Taking the size of your fingers at the end of the day, when they are potentially a little swollen, can be - contrary to prejudice - a very good idea: it will avoid ending up with a ring that will engulf your knuckles a few hours after being scope. Note that each finger has its appropriate size. The directory, the index or the major must be measured separately.

  • To know your ring size itself, there are three possibilities. You can first go to a jeweler who will take your measurements in a few seconds. The other option: opt for a paper baguier and put one of your usual rings on the circle of matching size. Warning: the outline of the drawn circle should appear slightly inside your jewel . Last possibility: opt for the tape measure technique and measure the circumference of his finger in millimeters. So, if your finger has a diameter of 52 mm, your ring size will be ... 52. Nothing is easier.

  • When making ring fittings, if you are swinging between two sizes, always use the larger one to avoid being too tight and make sure you can slip it all the way down the length of the finger, especially when level of the joints.

  • Finally, your ring size may change depending on the style and size of the ring: the larger the ring, the more you will tend to take a size above and vice versa.