Many stomach pains result from a bad digestion that disrupts the transit, intestinal bloating (aerophagia), gastro-oesophageal reflux or digestive infection, the famous turista or gastro-enteritis . A big blow of stress can also be in question, because the belly is ultra-sensitive to our emotions insofar as it shelters billions of nerve cells which communicate with the brain.

But when the pains are very violent or they settle permanently, it is necessary to consult to eliminate the presence of a disease.

Irritable bowel: a chaotic digestion

4 million French people have functional colopathy or irritable bowel syndrome , mostly women under 50 years old. Long neglected, these digestive inconveniences spoil the quality of life.

In addition to pain, they are characterized by a series of unusual symptoms: heaviness in the abdomen, smelly gas, constipation, diarrhea or alternating the two more than a day a week for at least six months. Just a gastro or antibiotic treatment to trigger these anger of the intestine. These can be soothed by limiting the Fodmaps , sugars undigested by intestinal bacteria contained mainly in milk and fresh cheeses, wheat, pulses, artichoke, asparagus, garlic, onion, apples and sweeteners.

Provision of probiotics is also advised, especially Bifidobacterium infantis, a strain that is proven to calm irritable bowels.

SIBO, a proliferation of harmful bacteria

The small intestine usually contains few bacteria. In addition, these are different from those hosted by the colon. But after digestive surgery or irritable bowel syndrome, the flora of the colon can spread in the small intestine and proliferate there. Overconsumption of sugar and industrial foods can also generate such contamination.

This chronic condition, called SIBO for "small intestine bacterial overgrowth", is likely to lead to deficiencies in vitamins and proteins because the excess bacteria disrupt digestion. Painful abdominal distention, recurrent diarrhea, severe fatigue, and lactose intolerance and / or gluten intolerance should alert and consult a specialist.

Crohn's, ulcerative colitis: chronic inflammatory diseases that control each other

Terrible stomach aches associated with sometimes bloody diarrhea or damage to the anal area (fissures, abscesses) may be suggestive of chronic inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Very disabling, these pathologies evolve by outbreaks. Although they are often diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 30, they can occur at any age and require hospitalization when seizures are severe.

In case of doubt, it is better to consult in order to carry out the examinations necessary for screening (blood test, endoscopy, entero-MRI ...). There is no curative treatment but anti-inflammatories and immunomodulators help to slow down the course of the disease.

Belly ache: when should you go to worry?

A stomach ache is considered benign if it disappears in 3 hours or less, the time of digestion. But you have to see a doctor very quickly when they come after an accident or have very dark stools, a possible sign of gastrointestinal bleeding, severe vomiting, high fever or taking a new medicine. Very sharp pains, similar to stab wounds, must also lead to emergencies.

Namely: severe pain in the lower abdomen at the time of menses can signal endometriosis . And if your period is late, report it: it may be an ectopic pregnancy.