1 - Are all solar supplements worth the same?

No. Better to favor food supplements of natural origin rather than synthetic because better assimilated by the organism. The right composition to be monitored on the label:
- Vitamin E to prevent sunburn and melanoma (the fastest growing skin cancer),
- selenium to reduce the risk of developing cancer of the skin , prostate , colon and lung ,
- carotenoids (yellow pigments and oranges spread in many plants) to combat the slight immune decline caused by exposure to the sun. Beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lycophene, zeaxanthin, lutein ... just as they protect the cells of plants exposed to light, they protect human cells from the same enemies.

Some references of reliable solar food supplements: Solgar, PiLeJe, Vital Plus, Biometrix.

2 - At what time of day should they be taken?

They are taken in the morning at breakfast , it is the time of day when our metabolism is most inclined to stock up on vitamins and minerals . Better still: swallow them with a glass of pressed lemon to help the body get rid of its toxins (task already undertaken at night).

3 - Do solar food supplements protect against sunburn?

If one is assiduous in the taking of its cure, the solar supplements solar protects in fact of the sunburns , but in part only. They can be sufficient for example for walks in town but certainly not for exposure to the sun. Lunch on the terrace, afternoon pool , weekend at the beach or in the mountains ... the application of sunscreen and the wearing of a hat are essential. Solar supplements also help prevent the appearance of brown spots on the skin .

4 - And allergies to the sun?

If you are prone to summer lucits , it is better to choose solar supplements containing Bapa (vitamin B10), it is this that helps protect the skin from allergies to the sun.

5 - How long before the exposure is it necessary to start the course of supplements?

The earlier you start, the more you protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun. It is preferable to begin his cure at least 3 weeks before a serious exposure to the sun.

6 - Can we take it all year?

There are no contraindications to taking dietary supplements over the long term. Provided they are natural and not to exceed the recommended dose. Vitamin E and C present in their composition are antioxidants and protect the membranes of the cells and the cells themselves.

7 - Do they help to have a prettier tan?

Combined with a diet rich in beta-carotene , yes. Carrot , apricot, melon, beetroot ... we go! And if you want to prolong your tan after returning from your holiday, you continue to take solar supplements throughout the month of September .

8 - Can we accumulate solar supplements and medical treatment?

Yes, and besides, they can help strengthen the body being assaulted by taking medical treatment . No restrictions for diabetes or hypertension problems either. On the other hand, for cancer patients in treatment, no dietary supplement the same day of chemotherapy or radiotherapy to let the anti-cancer drugs act.

9 - Is it safe to take solar supplements when smoking?

One study showed a direct link between the consumption of beta-carotene (present in solar supplements) and the development of lung cancers . But for our expert Danièle Festy, these results are to be taken with tweezers. She noted for example that the study was conducted with food supplements of synthetic and non-natural origin. Better yet, for her, this type of nutritional supplements (provided the right ones are chosen) would even protect the smokers, because of their protective role on the cells of the body.

Thanks to Danièle Festy, an aromatologist and nutri therapist, author of the book "Le Grand Livre des Compléments Alimentaires", Editions Leduc.s, Quotidien Malin Collection.