It is not because you suffer from seasickness that you have to give up boating for ever. As for motion sickness, it is not so difficult to fight the nausea caused by the rolling of a boat. With these tips, say hello to cruises!

Tip n ° 1: we relax!

Anxiety promotes seasickness. It is therefore unnecessary to stress yourself in advance by saying "I am still going to be sick". Arrive early enough to avoid unnecessary worry, and settle down calmly, focusing on your breathing.

Tip # 2: Everyone on the bridge!

The fresh air is still one of the best solutions to chase seasickness. So do not hesitate to climb on the deck of the boat. Fix the horizon following the trajectory of the boat, but do not place yourself above the bow (front) of the boat. It is in the center that you will feel the least rolling, so you will be less sensitive to seasickness.

Tip # 3: Pay attention to what you eat

To avoid having difficult digestion, ban alcohol and greasy foods on the day of the crossing. But avoid arriving on an empty stomach, the feeling of hunger may aggravate seasickness. The ideal? We eat light, and we think to hydrate by drinking water regularly.

Tips # 4: Just Cover What's Needed

No need to stack pullovers: getting too hot can increase the symptoms of seasickness, including sweats and hot flashes. But be careful not to be cold either! Too low a temperature can also make you seasick.

Tip # 5: Rest Yourself

Get a good night's sleep before you go, and try to sleep during the crossing, especially if it lasts several hours. A nap will help you fight against seasickness.