That one that has never had to put an emergency pants to hide his tracks unsightly orange due to poor application of self-tanning cast the first stone. Review simple tips to overcome unpleasant self-tanner marks.

Detach elbows and knees marked by self-tanner

First rule: if traces of self-tanning on the elbows or knees, we must act quickly. interviewed a self - tanning specialist, Sophie Evans, then in full promotion for this summer 's self - tanning St. Tropez. "If you have dark marks or streaks, the quickest way is to apply baby oil to the darker areas and let it sit for 10 minutes." This allows the exfoliation to be more efficient, "she adds.

The step of after is thus logically to exfoliate parts oiled in order to harmonize the color: its conventional scrub is used with a hot, damp cloth.

Another technique revealed by Sophie Evans: the depilatory cream (be careful, do not try on all parts of the body). "Apply with a cotton swab on the task, and leave on for half the time indicated on the package. It removes all then," she advises.

Be careful however, the depilatory cream is a special product and too long exposure time could lead to clearer tasks.

Finally, Sophie Evans also found a DIY recipe for "erase" these marks: "We mix 1 dose (equivalent to a teaspoon) baking powder with 1/2 dose of water is then added then 2. lemon juice doses and mixed up 'in the preparation becomes a paste, "explains the young woman.

This paste is rubbed on our skin with a warm washcloth.

Bridging "forgetfulness" or white spots

For white spots, that is even simpler as the expert of the self-tanning. It would suffice to lightly exfoliate the skin and then "fill" the holes with the self-tanning in small steps.

Besides, it's easier with a tinted self-tanning because it lets us know where it has already passed.

How to remove self-tanning tasks from his clothes?

Not easy to get rid of self - tanning tasks on his clothes. The ideal is to handle the task at hand with detergent or special stain 15 minutes before putting it in his machine.

And if the task is still there after the laundry, try treating it with glycerine, a natural stain remover available in pharmacies.

Last trick to avoid the drama of the tasks of self-tanner on clothes? We dress in black the first days after the application.