After waxing the jersey , underarm hair removal is one of the most painful. And for good reason, the skin of this area is particularly fine and therefore very sensitive.

Not to mention that armpit hair is often thicker than the rest of the body and therefore more difficult to tear off. And as if that was not enough, they grow in two different directions, hence the obligation to go back twice on the same zone.

How to depilate one's armpits without pain?

In the majority of cases, women who do not want to have pain by epilating choose the razor. A quick technique, without pain ... But not necessarily adapted.

Shaving results in micro-cuts that can become infected, especially in such a humid area, where bacteria proliferate easily.

For hair removal without pain, the ideal is the depilatory cream : as effective as the razor and without risk of injury.

The advice of pro: For a perfect underarm hair removal and with a minimum of pain, whatever the technique of hair removal, it is necessary to sprinkle with talc the area to be depilated.

The wax grips the hair better without pulling on the skin.

If this technique is valid for the whole body, it is all the more important in the armpits to remove any trace of moisture.

Underarm hair removal: hot wax or cold wax?

In an area as sensitive as the armpits, it is better to opt for hot wax (but not too much!) With cold wax .

The heat will open the pores and allow to pull the hair more easily than with a band of cold wax, and thus reduce the pain.

However, be careful not to over heat the wax, under penalty of burns.

Pulsed light hair removal: ideal for underarms?

In the underarm area, the skin is usually paler than the rest of the body, while the hair is very dark.

The ideal conditions for choosing hair removal in pulsed light .

Almost without pain, the result will be perfect and definitive (even if it will pay the price).