Heavy legs, a very feminine problem:
Heavy legs what is it?


If you have the feeling of having legs that weigh, the ankles that swell, or if varicose veins appear, you probably suffer from a chronic venous insufficiency commonly known as heavy legs.


Heavy legs: a problem that affects an average of 18 million adults in France and especially women.


What is the cause of heavy legs?


The cause of the heavy legs is related to a fragility of the walls of the veins due to the dilation of these vessels. The look of blood flow in our legs is then more important. The excess of blood is subjected to the earth's gravity from where this sensation of heavy legs.


The risk of having heavy legs may be partly hereditary. People with parents with heavy legs will have a 58% risk of suffering from them too.


Our hereditary lifestyle is also an important factor in the cause of heavy legs . Weight gain is often responsible for the onset of venous insufficiency.


Pregnancy, a risk factor for heavy legs?


From the second child, the risk of having heavy legs is 21% and increases with each new pregnancy.


Heavy legs: the right moves to adopt


Putting stockings allows you to live better with your heavy legs. They relieve the long periods when one is obliged to wait standing.


Changing the diet can also reduce the feeling of heavy legs. We prefer foods that contain minerals such as zinc and selenium or vitamins E and C found in nuts, almonds, seafood, lentils.


Avoiding tobacco and alcohol when suffering from heavy legs is preferable. Tobacco impairs blood circulation and alcohol dilates small blood vessels.


Moving more can help reduce the feeling of heavy legs. Without necessarily subscribing to a gym, we can change some of our behavior: climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator, get off a bus stop or metro before to walk a little longer. .. These small changes can already find legs a little lighter.


Other sports advised to fight against heavy legs: swimming and the beneficial effect of exercises in the water. Pilates is also a good alternative because it allows a strengthening of the postural muscles.


Tennis and squash are contraindicated for those affected by heavy legs.

Thanks to Dr. Philippe BlancheMaison, angiologist-phlebologist