The holiday meals have an exceptional character and we intend to enjoy them.

That we are reassured in advance, the balance of food is not threatened, any more than health, provided we take the right steps for his line, his liver or his belly.

New Year's Eve: we enjoy without taking (too much) weight

It is easy to limit the damage, by evaluating the caloric addition very quickly. As for appetizers, the seafood platters are low-calorie (110 kcal in a dozen oysters or 100 g of shrimp). With a little lemon, we add the benefits of vitamin C , the ideal is to dispense with bread and butter.

The real caviar, very rich in lipids, is twice as energetic as lump eggs: 270 kcal / 100 g, against 114. The foie gras brings about 400 kcal to 500 kcal / 100 g, with 45% of fats, only half of which are good for the heart and the vessels.

On the side of the dishes, the turkey is lean (from 2 to 5% fat without skin, or 140 kcal / 100 g), while the capon and the goose are rich in fat (from 15 to 20%, 290 kcal / 100 g). Perfect also game and meat particularly low in fat (1 to 3%).

100 g of wild boar provide 100 kcal with only 5% fat, which is little compared to 25% of pork chops. Be careful with the sauce, which is often too rich. The chestnuts in accompaniment contain, unfortunately, 40% of sugars (200 kcal / 100 g).

As for cheeses and desserts, seasonal products are tempting: Beaufort, farmer's goat and vacherin ... Depending on their variety, they deliver between 10 and 40% of lipids, ie 370 kcal / 100 g for the goat for example.

For dessert, it takes on average 204 kcal per 100 g (a normal slice) of log three chocolates and 149 kcal for a raspberry-nougat log.

The trick : we offer dishes with an alternative green vegetables or salad.

The advice: we taste but we limit the quantities.

The good idea is to prefer sorbets made with water and sugar, especially for dessert, which are half as calorific as pastry logs and ice creams made with milk, cream or eggs, sometimes butter and butter. sugar.

We party without a skull

During the feast, avoid strong alcohols as an aperitif and mixtures of different alcohols.

The trick: put your drink during the meal and fill it regularly with water (preferably alkaline, to limit nausea: Badoit, Vichy Célestins, Saint-Yorre, etc.). Two benefits: we drink less and rehydrate, which avoids the feeling of pasty mouth and headaches.

The good idea: before the party, think of the spoonful of olive oil . It lines the digestive mucosa and slows the penetration of alcohol into the blood, thus limiting the hangover. In the homeopathy department, bet on Nux Vomica 7 CH (five granules before the meal, and five immediately after).

According to Charles Mercier Guyon, doctor, "we lose between 0.10 g and 0.15 g of alcohol per hour per liter of blood on average.A bit more when you are young, a little bit older, because Alcohol detoxification systems work less well: when you drink two glasses on an empty stomach, it takes five hours for a complete elimination, and ten hours for four glasses, and the elimination of alcohol will be even longer if we eat at the same time, which is the case on Christmas Eve ".

We clean his liver during the holidays

The advice: the day after a party, we drink the juice of half a lemon in hot water in the morning, and vegetable broths in the day. "To further accelerate the elimination of toxins, add a cocktail of essential oils : one drop of ginger, one of lemon and one of mint, three times a day before meals.To pour over a piece of sugar or a little Honey draining effect assured, "promises Danièle Festy, pharmacist.

The good idea is to have a black radish and artichoke cure (in the form of liquid extracts) for four or five days. At the rate of one teaspoon of each in half a glass of water a day.

We feast without acidity, nor ... digestive problems

The advice: antacids like Rennie, Gaviscon or Polysilane Delalande, taken before the meal, protect the mucous membrane, calm burns and limit bloating . The most sensitive may prefer long-term treatments such as Pantozol, Pantoloc or Mopralpro, in recent months, starting a few days before the holidays.

The trick: eat slowly and chew well to avoid bloating, heartburn and nausea. Warning: smoking during the meal increases acid secretion. The next day, broths, herbal teas and soups of rigor. In fact, liquids pass through the stomach faster. Solid side, opt for vegetables and cooked fruits, more digestible.

The good idea: in case of nausea, vomiting or bloating, we make a herbal tea with lemon balm, mint, rosemary, and star anise. Brew for at least 10 minutes.

We avoid the gray mine not forgetting to remove makeup

The advice: in the evening, we do not skip the removal of make-up , with a mild cleansing milk or a dermatological bread. Then we spray thermal water and wipe it with a tissue. Massage her night cream for a few minutes to relax and drain. Upon awakening, even cleansing ritual before her moisturizing day cream .

The trick: in case of tired eyes, we put a few seconds on each eyelid the curved part of a large stainless spoon spent 5 minutes in the freezer; or apply two tea bags, previously infused and then cooled.

The good idea: we have the light hand on the make-up: clear foundation , touch of pink blush, mascara to enlarge the eyes, brushed eyebrows. The fresh complexion tip: place a pencil line on the edge of the upper eyelid and inside the lower eyelid.

We eliminate fatigue and we "detoxify"

The advice: to emerge as soon as possible after a sleepless night, either we get up as late as possible and we collapse at night from the first yawning, or we opt for a recuperative nap of 90 minutes maximum.

The trick: to regain its rhythm in January, we take two baths "sea" draining at home per week, advises Isabelle Droz-Vincent, naturopath in Castel Clara, Belle-Ile-en-Mer . In a water at 32 ° C, 1 kg of unrefined sea salt is dissolved with dried seaweed (organic stores, Nature & Découvertes ...). Then the bath temperature is gradually increased to 37 ° C, when droplets appear on the face.

We end with a cool shower of the extremities, feet and hands, then we go back to the heart to accelerate sweating. The salt and trace elements of the algae drive away fatigue, activate circulation, cause sweating and regenerate cells. This bath should not exceed 20 min. We will drain better by swallowing, before, an infusion of detox plants (borage, berries, wild thought).