After the food fusion, the sport fusion? A touch of flexibility, a dose of endurance, a pinch of sheathing ... Mix everything and you get three new disciplines for those in a hurry who want to kill two birds with one stone. Global methods rather muzzled but very playful, which can motivate when we can not decide for a sport and who promise a shapely silhouette without losing his good mood.

Total body cycling cardio Tonification

What's this ? The last buzz of indoor bike sessions.

The originality: rubber bands, kind of elastics hanging from the ceiling, on which one draws with the arms while pedaling.

How is it ? Backbreaking but effective. We knew the Spinning®, this intense indoor cycling class in the dark, with light effects, loud music and unchained coach. It's the same thing, except that instead of holding the handlebars one does work the whole upper body.

What does it do ? We burn a lot of calories (about 800 in 45 min), and we curve arms, back, shoulders and abs. Ultra flowing, but to reserve for sports ... the heart panics quickly! It's for you if ... you like to go beyond your limits, you want to tone the inside of your arms.

Where and how much? Exclusively at L'Usine Opéra (Paris 2e), . Day package at 50 €. For Spinning, addresses on

Yogalates relaxation reinforcementTM

What's this ? Fifteen years ago, the Australian popess of yoga, Louise Solomon, was injured and re-educated with Pilates. She invented the Yogalates , movements of stretching and muscle toning combined with postures and yoga breathing.

How is it ? Cooler than Pilates, but more rhythmic than yoga. A series of exercises on the ground, alternating bodybuilding and stretching, mobilize the three key areas: pelvic, abdominal and thoracic. We go on yoga postures, ending with ten minutes of relaxation.

What does it do ? The ventral and dorsal muscles are toned, the articulations untied, the tensions liberated. Bonus: we learn to manage his breathing.

It's for you if ... the esoteric speech of yoga leaves you puzzled, you dream of a gym anti stress but not soporific, you want to find a flat stomach.

Where and how much? Addresses on . About 30 € the course of 90 min.

Bollywood Fitness® Sensuality Sheathing

What's this ? A new discipline that arrives in France after conquering English theaters, and which combines Indian dance and aerobics.

How is it ? Happy, lively, exotic. Between the postures, we follow energetic and lively fitness exercises, against a backdrop of kitschy music. Playful but sporty: we sweat, not a second of respite!

What does it do ? Ideal to develop the coordination, but also to make work thighs, buttocks, hips, arms, fingers (and even the look). We gain in grace and tone.

This is for you if ... you dream of discovering a really new course, you like to give yourself thoroughly, you want to improve your posture, especially your head wear.

Where and how much? Addresses on , and . About 80 € the ten courses.